Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Indian Filmmaker Launches Production House Focusing on Female-Centric Stories

Filmmaker Sonali Sundararaj.

LOS ANGELES, Calif. –  India-born filmmaker Sonali Sundararaj ("Divulgence") is launching Infinite Thoughts Productions, a new production company focusing on female-centric stories and other films with a strong message.

“I would love to shoot movies that aren’t restricted to boundaries, with a message and the power to influence,” Sundararaj said.  

 The new company seeks to attract talented female writers, producers and other talented artists with a vision and ability to help tell great stories with a positive message that will inspire and encourage audiences to persevere and overcome challenges in pursuit of their dreams. Already, the company is set to begin production on the short film “Music Therapy,” which tells the story of Lonely, isolated and homesick for her country Russia, Anna comes across a group of expatriates who use music to express their frustrations. 

“There is so much happening in the world right now that’s caused by racism and hatred for people from other countries,” she said. “I’d love to make films that show what we have in common while the world looks at how we are different.”

Known for her work in such films as “Divulgence,” “Greasy Monkey,” the acclaimed YouTube series “Sigma,” Sundararaj brings a wealth of experience that dates back to a variety of films and television series in her native India.
Born in Chennai, India, Sundararaj had a fascination for films and track and field where she excelled as a sprinter. Thanks to her competitive nature and drive to succeed, ultimately earned a degree in Computer Science at Women’s Christian College in Chennai before going on to earn a Masters in Communications so she could seek out a career in film and television upon graduation.

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